Indeed, it is. Another aimless voice in the void.
Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to put thoughts to paper and I may even succeed in imparting an ironic or provocative thought. But if I'm being transparent, the "write a blog" feature on my Shopify dashboard has finally seduced me in a moment of indecision as I wait for the kettle to boil.
It might surprise you that a year ago I barely knew how to send an email, let alone how to build websites using temperamental webcodes. But that's the journey I've been on this year as I transition from chilli margaritas to mac-books in an attempt to change my business and my life.
The old me would have found that absurd. The new me still finds that absurd.
But hey, if I do end up starting a blog, I'll make it industry-relevant so that your time isn't completely wasted. They'll be opinion pieces, because there's obviously a critical shortage of those.
So here I stand, literally, flailing my fingers on a tiny screen so that I can look busy without being dollar productive.
The kettle's boiling. Will I even post this? Unlikely. Actually, you know what? I will.