When it comes to car wraps and sign making, there's a clear line in the sand. The truth is, shops that focus solely on wrapping cars tend to deliver superior results compared to those that juggle both wraps and signs. Here’s why sticking to one specialty really matters.
Mastery takes focus.
A specialised wrap shop is designed from the ground up to cater to the specific needs of wrapping, from the controlled environment necessary for the best application, to the discipline and skillset required. Likewise, a sign shop has it's own infrastructure in place to accommodate its craft.
In my career I have visited hundreds of shops and those who try to marry their car wrapping ambitions with their signage offerings don't often achieve the same level of quality as those who dedicate themselves fully to wrapping. For example, it's not uncommon for wrappers in sign shops to compete for space in a dusty environment next to an open roller door.
It might seem sensible for shops to play to their strengths, yet the industry is replete with examples of sign shops overreaching, unwilling to pass up a fleet wrap tender even when a dedicated wrap shop is better equipped for the task.
Passion and innovation.
When you step into a dedicated wrap shop, you can feel the difference immediately. These guys aren't just turning up for a paycheck, they're passionate about what they do.
The culture is evident everywhere, from the exuberant personalities on social media who flaunt their latest creations, to the television shows and trending video blogs that showcase the lifestyle of a successful wrapper. This zeal is seldom replicated in other industries.
Why is signage and wrapping married?
Signage and car wrapping often go hand-in-hand since they're cut from the same cloth, or more accurately, the same vinyl. The products are often made in same factories and travel through the same distribution channels.
For shop owners, why wouldn't you expand into car wrapping when the material required is so readily available from your strategic partners? And for wrappers, the temptation to expand into signage is strong, especially when regularly tempted with bundled discounts.
It’s this shared background that nudges many shops to offer both.
The need for specialisation.
While sign shops and wrap shops share many similarities, it is their differences that should define them. For customers seeking the best results, and for businesses aiming to deliver the best service, embracing specialisation is key. Without it, we'll be left with a floundering industry that never truly reaches its potential.